Future Leaders Global

Future Leaders Global led to great discussions

Future Leaders Global led to great discussions

During this past month, I’ve been through the first part of a leadership program called Future Leaders Global, and it has truly been a journey worthwhile.

What are Future Leaders Global?

I had no idea what I was really throwing myself into when I entered this. I’ve probably not been as poorly prepared for something for years. On purpose, that is. I wanted to enter with a fresh mind. I just knew this was an opportunity to grow, not just as a leader but as a person. It has definitely unfolded as a purposeful course out of the ordinary. While the corona-virus has been somewhat of a show-stopper in this setting, I’ve NEVER experienced getting to know someone personally and deeply over two weekends as what I have experienced in these sessions.

My expectations

While I had expectations that this would be an opportunity to expand my network, for some reason, this is completely different. I have spent time with people I have come to admire for completely different skills than I am used to. Their openness, ability to communicate, willingness to help, listen, provide advice, and bring joy have truly provided me with a new way of looking at myself as a person. I have suddenly gotten five new people I look up to that I wish to learn from and mimic to change myself for the better.

The reality

The reality has been that we’ve had one person who has facilitated our communication. Still, instead of having the traditional group leader, we’ve all taken responsibility, ensuring that we manage to progress. In the second session, our group leader couldn’t make it. Still, we somehow managed to create an atmosphere where we had amazing, meaningful discussions that naturally progressed the way the program intended. I believe this progression towards independence is a part of this program, but it wasn’t intended to happen this early. My team is fantastic.


The first two sessions have almost exclusively been on self-leadership, and it has provided me with a new perspective on why to improve; plus, I have been given some handy advice around how to make those changes. I have taught myself to be a more positive human being through self-management and advice. Every day when I wake up, I tell myself the kind of person I want to be, the thoughts I want to have, and the actions I want to do. And it works.

What’s up next

I will continue working on improving myself, both with soft- and hard skills, for the next weeks. I can’t wait to experience what comes in the next sessions, with all of the amazing people around me. I keep in touch with them pretty much daily, but nothing is like meeting them in person. I look forward to the next thing I’ll learn and happy to tell you more after the next gathering.

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