Tik Tok
The year 2020 is upon us, and what seemed to be a good year has developed into nothing short of a disaster. It’s bad, also for marketers who need to get more out of less. It might be time to adapt your marketing strategy and find new channels to grow in. I have been hearing more and more about TikTok these last few months, rightfully so with the growth, it has experienced lately, being the fastest growing app ever. and with my curiosity, I ended up downloading the app. I am no less than shocked about the content on the platform, wondering what on earth we are teaching our Gen Z’s. However, after my initial shock went over, and accepted that there will be no less pressure on the next generation of school-kids about beauty and results or the language that the platform influencers use, I wondered how businesses can leverage this platform and I am sure many other wonders the same.
https://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/how-to-advertise-tiktok/ - if you want some more info about how
TikTok is undoubtedly an interesting platform. It still has a very limited demographic, but if Gen Z is your target demographic, it can be the next new Instagram if everything goes optimally. My issues with the channel are still the political one, with a major uncertainty that comes with it as a Chinese company. Will they have a different faith than Vine? It seems so. You do not have to be a professional content creator to use the channel, and grow big, according to my influencer friends, with a considerably easier platform to grow popular on than other SoMe-platforms. I am curious to see how - and most important - where the growth will come. So far, India is the biggest contributor to new downloads, so let’s see if it continues to grow in Europe and the US outside of Gen Z.